Visit to learn more about our ancient and honorable fraternity.

No. 129 A.F.& A.M.
Visit to learn more about our ancient and honorable fraternity.
From The Eagle article found here.
Brazos Union Masonic Lodge No. 129 has presented scholarships to two local students. Katherine Ann Solomon received the 2016 Harvey P. Mitchell Masonic Scholarship Award, while Eric Carlos Lamar received the 2016 Mirabeau B. Lamar Masonic Scholarship Award. The Lodge also recently honored Brother Danny Weis with a 25-year Service Award and installed its newly elected leadership, led by Worshipful Master Michael Sampson.
Bryan – In further fulfillment of its mission to serve the community, Brazos Union Masonic Lodge No. 129 presented two local students with scholarships to further their education beyond High School. The 2016 Harvey P. Mitchell Masonic Scholarship Award was presented to Katherine Ann Solomon and the 2016 Mirabeau B. Lamar Masonic Scholarship Award was presented to Eric Carlos. The Lodge also presented Brother Daniel Weis with a 25-Year Service Award for being a Master Mason for 25 years. Finally, the Lodge recognized Brother Raymond Kornhoff with the new Harvey Mitchell Award for Esoteric Excellence. After the awards presentation, Brother Michael Simpson, Worshipful Master, and the other elected and appointed officers of the Lodge were installed by Brother John Raney. Following the Installation, cake and refreshments were enjoyed.
Background: Bryan’s home to gentlemen of character for over 160 years, Brazos Union Lodge No. 129, prides itself in the daily contribution to individual and community well-being. We believe that by sharing common values we can increase the opportunity of each individual in the community.
The members are a diverse group of individuals with a wide range of skills and expertise whose goal is to make a difference in your life and those around you. Contact them at today if you live in or near the Bryan/College Station, Texas area and wish to speak to one of their members.
Pictured L-R, Eric’s Sister, Eric Carlos, Tom Freeman, John Raney, Sanjiv Lalwani
Pictured L-R, Katherine’s Mom, Tom Freeman, Katherine Solomon, John Raney, Sanjiv Lalwani
Pictured L-R, Teresa Weis, Tom Freeman, Daniel Weis, John Raney, Dalton Weis, Sanjiv Lalwani
Pictured L-R, Mickey Kornhoff, William Kornhoff, Leslie Kornhoff, Tom Freeman, Raymond Kornhoff, John Raney, Sanjiv Lalwani
On Thursday, October 22nd 2015, Brazos Union Lodge will be dark. Some Brethren will be gathering for fellowship and refreshments around 8:30pm and everyone is welcome to join!
Also, Past Master Russell Gordon is in need of some help. He is looking for a travel trailer to, hopefully, just use for a short time (few months) or purchase one for a low price. If someone has one that needs repairs that they’d be will to trade for its use, please let me know and I will pass the information along to Bro. Gordon.
Remember to take a look at our upcoming events at the bottom of this email. Events can also be found by clicking here.
Brazos Union Lodge meets at the Masonic Hall at 107 S Main St in Beautiful Downtown Bryan, Texas, where we live “The Good Life, Texas Style!”
Tentative Calendar of Upcoming Events:
Brethren of Brazos Union Lodge, the Brazos Valley, and Beyond:
On Thursday, September 10th, 2015, Brazos Union Lodge will hold our September Stated Communication. Supper will be served at 6:30PM, along with a program; the gavel will drop on the meeting at 7:30PM.
Please be sure to visit all of our new online locations:, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn.
Remember to take a look at our upcoming events at the bottom of this email. Events can also be found by clicking here.
Brazos Union Lodge meets at the Masonic Hall at 107 S Main St in Beautiful Downtown Bryan, Texas, where we live “The Good Life, Texas Style!”
For the Worshipful Master,
M G Ethridge ’16
Secretary, Brazos Union Masonic Lodge CXXIX
Brethren of Brazos Union Lodge, the Brazos Valley, and Beyond:
On Thursday, September 3rd, 2015, Brazos Union Lodge will hold our regularly scheduled Lodge of Instruction.
Should any EAs or FCs be able to attend, we will also make available someone to assist in the study of their work.
Brazos Union Lodge is also excited to unveil our brand new website! Head on over to and see what we’ve been working on! There’s a few spots that are still a work in progress, but the majority of the work is done. A special thank you goes out to the various Brothers that contributed to the project.
We have also increased our Social Media presence, as well. Be sure to find us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Remember to take a look at our upcoming events at the bottom of this email. Events can also be found by clicking here.
Brazos Union Lodge meets at the Masonic Hall at 107 S Main St in Beautiful Downtown Bryan, Texas, where we live “The Good Life, Texas Style!”
For the Worshipful Master,
M G Ethridge ’16
Secretary, Brazos Union Masonic Lodge CXXIX
Tentative Calendar of Upcoming Events:
– 03 Sep – Lodge of Instruction (7:00PM)
– 04 Sep – Downtown Bryan First Friday
– 05 Sep – Lodge Work Day
– 10 Sep – Stated Communication (6:30PM Supper | 7:30PM Meeting)
– 26 Sep – Texas Reds Steak & Grape Festival
– 27 Sep – Texas Reds Steak & Grape Festival
Look what we did!